Lansing, MI is located at about 85 miles to the Northwest of Detroit, where the famous Cedar River flows into the Grand River. It is currently the capitol of Michigan, and has been the capitol since 1847 when it was settled. Its name was derived from Lansing, New York, which happened to be the home of original settlers. However, it is not the oldest community in the region since Holt, which is located five miles south, was settled at around 1837. Around 1844, a dam and mill was built by the residents of the nearby North Settlement (the current North Lansing, Michigan). James Seymour, who was a land speculator from New York. was their employer in his proposed water- power site. The legislature accepted the proposal, and a two-story capital was built near the Seymour settlement. This was done between 1873 and 1878. It is located in a 10-acre park, which is surrounded on its three sides by the Grand River. The capitol building of Lansing is a really beautiful and historic place! 

Lansing is a great city and the capitol of Michigan

Before it became the capitol of Michigan, the entire region had no settlers, and it was full of dense forest and lots of wildlife. The only occupants were the Native Americans, who survived by living along the state’s longest river. After settlers came, the small village then expanded to become a big city. The Michigan Agriculture College in East Lansing, and also the Michigan Female College were the first agricultural colleges to be established in 1855. Besides these interesting facts, these are also the oldest agricultural teaching centers in the region. These educational institutions eventually combined to form Michigan State University. 

Throughout the remaining parts of the century, Lansing was transformed gradually to an industrial powerhouse. The city’s transformation to a manufacturing center started in the year 1897. This was the year when the Olds Motor Vehicle Company was started by R.E. Olds. It then emerged to be a major American industrial center, especially for the manufacturing of automobiles and, currently, is the largest manufacturer compared to any city within the surrounding area. Today, its economy is diversified among healthcare, government service, manufacturing, and education.

Lansing is one of our favorite cities!Geography and Landmarks of Lansing

It is the central place of a region within Michigan termed as Mid-Michigan or central Michigan. According to the statistics from the United States Census Bureau, it has a total area of about 36.68 square miles of which 36.05 is land and 0.63 is covered with water. The height above the sea level of Lansing, MI is about 721 meters above the sea level on the far south and 255 meters above the sea level along the Grand River.  The climate of the region is mainly a humid continental climate influenced by the great lakes. The monthly average temperature in July is 78 degrees while the minimum is for January is 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

There is a lot of interesting things to see in Lansing, and the city if full of history and activity to this day. We really enjoy being able to work here and contribute to a great community!


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