One of our past clients in Kalamazoo, MI contacted us regarding her parking lot, which had spider webbed cracking and broken asphalt throughout. She couldn’t afford to re-do the entire lot, so we suggested having the worst areas patched, until she could budget a full paving job. The patching job is a quick service that is intended to be temporary. We excavated the problem areas of crumbling asphalt, filled them with the repair asphalt and compacted with a roller. For the cracks, we applied an asphalt filler to prevent them from widening further. Our customer was very pleased with the results. She thanked us for our prompt scheduling and the fact that we were able to work around her schedule to minimize interruptions. (For more on Kalamazoo go here)

For additional information on the Kalamazoo’s best asphalt patching services, click here!

Kalamazoo Parking Lot Cracks Kalamazoo parking lot patch

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